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There are various benefits for the environment and individuals alike to recycling, but what about e-waste? Electronic recycling, or e-recycling, refers to the disposal of electronic items ranging from lamps and refrigerators to TVs, computers and even hearing aids. There is still huge potential for more e-recycling to take place, since electronic waste accounts for such a massive amount of the global waste that ends up in landfills every day. Here are just five of the many benefits e-recycling can offer. 

Kinder to the environment

Electronic devices are incredibly toxic to the environment, leaching chemicals and harmful materials into the air and soil. Lamps, for example, contain mercury which can wind up in waterways when these items are thrown into landfills, while batteries contain lead, cadmium and mercury. But when these items are recycled properly, the harmful chemicals and materials can be separated out or neutralised so they’re safe.

Reduced need to mine for new resources

On the subject of the materials used in electronics, another benefit to recycling e-waste is that it reduces the need to mine for virgin resources. The continuous mining depletes the environment and causes damage to our planet – there are even illegal mining practices taking place around the world that have a negative impact on the wellbeing of the regions where this takes place. But when electronics are recycled, a large proportion of these elements, from copper and silver to gold and tin, can be harvested and reused. 

Minimise air pollution

Recycling electronics minimises air pollution from the toxic gases released from e-waste. The high temperatures on components when they’re burned cause them to emit poisonous gases into the air, which humans and wildlife then must breathe in. Similarly, when the elements are mined, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and dust are all released into the air – for every 1 tonne of gold or platinum mined, around 10,000 tonnes of CO2 are emitted. Recycling electronic waste significantly reduces these emissions and protects the air we breathe. 

Save space in landfills

The amount of e-waste being thrown into landfills increases every year, and it’s something that’s occurring on a global scale. But the amount of space we have for landfills is already at breaking point, so everything we can do to minimise how much is being thrown away can help to save precious space and prevent more landfills from being created. 

A boost to employment

Recycling electronics is a specialist job, as it requires a keen eye to be able to distinguish between what’s reusable and non-reusable, and to understand the products individually and what they contain. With more people choosing to recycle their items when they no longer need them or when they break down, there’s an increase in vacancies and more jobs can be created to provide financial stability for communities. 

Final thoughts

Recycling in any capacity is a positive act for the future of the planet, particularly where e-waste is concerned. From the quantities of e-waste produced every year to the harm it causes to people, wildlife and our surroundings, recycling electronic items should be a priority for us all. For more information about the e-waste recycling services Priority WEEE provide, contact us today.