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With working from home or hybrid working now being a staple for many organisations, they are finding that having a large office full of IT equipment is no longer as necessary as it once was. But, there is no need to throw away your old desktop screens and processors, laptops, printers and scanners. At Priority WEEE, we can recycle numerous electrical devices, so that they don’t end up in landfill or cost you huge amounts of money to be collected and taken away by your local Council or waste disposal team.

Benefits of recycling

When it comes to electrical items, they each have several components. Many of these can be used again in rebuilding alternative computer and IT equipment. This is what we will try to do with anything we pick up for recycling. If we can repurpose it, we will. Plus, if you have 15 or more full computers, we will collect it from your office free of charge.

Some IT equipment is classed as hazardous waste, so we have to be very careful with how we dispose of your items to ensure we are not in breach of the Persistent Organic Pollutants directive. These items are sent to be incinerated but will produce renewable energy as a by-product of the incineration.

Items we can take

There is almost no end to what equipment we will collect from your office. You can find out more about our Computer and IT recycling and see a list of common objects we recycle, but this is not exhaustive. If you have something that is not on this list, it is worth checking with us to see if we can take it – more often than not, we will be able to.

What more can WEEE do for you?

Not only will we remove your items, but we can also destroy data on hard drives (complete with a certificate of proof), we are fully GDPR compliant and can give you 24/7 access to any documentation which you do require. We can also provide you with an itemised inventory of everything we take and what we do with it, if required. We will even offer you a free waste management assessment before you decide whether you want to choose us for the job.

Timescales and logistics

Most of the time we can provide next day collection, and offer a national service throughout mainland UK, so it doesn’t matter how far away from our premises you are based. Our security-vetted personnel will provide a fast turnaround, and you can even track our vehicles digitally so you know exactly when we are going to arrive and can be ready for us. We have all the relevant licences and can provide these for inspection at any point in the process.

Final thoughts

Whatever your needs for IT and computer equipment removal, you can rely on us to get the job done quickly and efficiently, leaving your move to go ahead without any extra hassle. Contact us today for a quote and to discuss your requirements.